One of the biggest complaints in mystery shop reports are reports being data dumps of information and lacking insight. With this in mind, the following tips will help make your findings easy to follow, concise and impactful.
The examples below are for “investment” mystery shops (i.e., high net worth, online loan application, inquiring about a GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate), choosing a financial advisor).
Mystery Shop Report Tips
Final mystery shop report tip
The key to an effective mystery shop report is balance (e.g., balancing conciseness with enough detail, word content with attention-getting visuals and observations with specifics). To ensure this, follow a 1:2 rule of thumb – for every hour spent in the field, 2 are spent on analysis.
Here are more tips on setting up your analysis in an easy-to-read table format.
Hopefully, these tips will help make your mystery shop reports more impactful.
Please contact Market Alert Limited if you’d like assistance from our team of competitive intelligence experts.